Monday, November 19, 2007

I love Letters

November 17, 2007

I walked up over a thousand steps today on the Health Walk outside Ashgabat…It was spectacular.

We find out on Tuesday where we’ll be for the next two years…I have a weird feeling that they’re going to put me in Mary, which is the southeast region of T-stan.

Turkmen words are replacing English ones, and conversation is flowing out like water.

With our Enlgish club theater work my load has quadrupled, but I love it.

Please send me letters by post mail (and include some waxed dental floss if you can). I love them, and all of you back home. Thanks for being so incredibly awesome.


bryn said...

will you e-mail me your postal address, please? :*

Unknown said...

Our mail is shut off, but just as soon as I get back to the states, I'll send you a package. Email me your list of demands when you have the chance!

Miss you, baby A!