Thursday, July 17, 2008

You Live WHERE?

Nobody knows where Turkmenistan is, and few know what Peace Corps is and what we do, so for the past two weeks on our vacation, Alice and I have had to explain this over and over again to every single person we meet.

Locals usually just nod their head and give us a funny look, but other westerners have had much more interesting reactions.

I started noting the ones I liked best:

"PEACE CORPS???? What, are you like putting up white flags all over the place or something?"

"What the HELL is that?"

"What? Is that even a real place?"

"Peace Corps? So is there like a war going on or something?"

"Alice and two are like a bloody pair of batteries, aren't ya?"

" part of Afghanistan?"


Unknown said...

All I can say is "Gawd!"

What was with the batteries comment? I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

You seem to be having a lot more fun than the other T-16's who went to the All-Vol in Ashgabat.

See what a fellow PCV had to say here:

Angela said...


Alice and Alice- Double A

Actually All-Vol was a lot of fun! But vacation afterward was definitely a blast :)