Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Last Night...

Last night the Sailing Club blew up with the Miss Universe after party- never have I ever been surrounded by so many ridiculously tall, insanely beautiful women.

In Turkmenistan people are always wanting my attention, taking my photo, yelling my name, everywhere I go. Last night I was the one taking photos, mingling in the background, staring at everyone, enjoying the scenery.

I can't describe the entirety of the evening, but I think Alice summed it up nicely with this phrase:

"I've never seen so many iPhones in one place."

Rich celebrities are interesting people...they were afraid of Vietnamese bottled water, wore their collars popped up and opted for San Pelligrino. They yelled at the Vietnamese waiters, complained about the heat and one of the Miss Universe hairdressers even said how surprised he was that the pagaent was here.

"I mean, Vietnam really isn't your top tourist destination," he said.

I wonder what life must be like inside that bubble. I honestly met a man last night who told me he spent $5000 on a pen once. Granted, he was one of the electricians working on the show, and pretty much the coolest person I've ever met in my life, but I can't fathom what that must be like.

I think I'd like to see what a $5000 pen looks like. The pens in Turkmenistan cost about eight cents and usually last about 12 minutes.

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