Monday, July 14, 2008

Welcome Miss Universe

July 14, 2008

My life right now feels like a dream.

The sky exploded with fireworks last night kicking off the Miss Universe pagaent here in the gorgeous beach city of Nha Trang, Vietnam. Donald Trump and company have all arrived, along with Jerry Springer, Mel B and an insane amount of beautiful women from all across the globe.

At a beach party last night an English dude walked up to me and said, "So, what country are you representing?"

It was positively adorable.

"I represent Austria," I said with a smile and a really bad accent.

"Well Austria will surely win," he replied.

The last few days here on the beach have been far too much fun. We laid around in the sun all day and swam in the clearest water I've ever seen, and a little old lady cooked us some shellfish right on the sand. We've been consuming tons of fresh, tropical fruit and swimming, eating tons of seafood, dancing all night, loving every minute of this place.

I don't believe a country has ever stolen my heart as much as Vietnam has. I absolutely love it here.

1 comment:

bryn said...

you're experiencing so many amazing things, angela! how will we ever be able to convince you to come home? <3