Saturday, April 19, 2008

This Blog Has No Title

I spent eleven hours on a train this weekend to come to Ashgabat.

What I have learned:

After you pay a fine for breaking the rules on the train you must become friends with the man who made you pay the fine and drink much tea with him for the rest of the duration of the ride.

Talking in British accents makes train rides go faster.

The aerokassa is not a place for the weak-hearted.

Giving your drunk friend the key to the hotel room so she can go pass out early is a stupid idea because she will not wake up to let you back in and you will not get to sleep in a bed. Or a room, for that matter.

Showers are amazing. I already knew this, but they're even more amazing now.

The theme song from "Who's the Boss"

Beer, for some stupid reason, cost more in the warmer months.

After living in a small town a few hours north of Afganastan for three months, going to stores with huge amounts of selection is completely overwhelming.

Never, ever wait till the last minute to buy your train ticket home because you will be, so unbelievably S.O.L. and end up having to pay way more money than you have for a taxi.


Anonymous said...

Hello! I am a reader from the Philippines. I found your site very interesting. It is worth the visit.

Unknown said...

Good lessons!

What were you fined for?