Sunday, December 09, 2007

Tacos and Cognac

December 8, 2007

There are so many things I miss about American Christmas…among those things are egg nog, pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes…and sugar cookies with frosting…

One of the things I received for Christmas this year included a taco making kit and a bottle of Tapatio and the second my fellow volunteers in the Peace Corps office saw me pull that box out of my package I immediately heard, “TACO NIGHT!!!!!!!”

So tonight we did it. We gathered together and cooked beans, made salsa, sautéed some meat and grated some cheese. We even used yogurt in place of sour cream, and it was FANTASTIC!

We played Christmas music and stuffed ourselves with Mexican food, and even found ourselves toasting with a 20-year-old bottle of Turkmen cognac, which was pretty much the most disgusting thing I’ve ever willingly ingested in my life. When it entered my mouth I almost felt as though I’d been electrocuted.

But it was a fantastic evening and I realized more than ever how much I’m going to miss my Annau buddies once training is over.

Eighteen more days until the real work begins…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you're adapting so well! Holiday times are the worst (I'm fixin' to miss my second consecutive holiday season) so it's good to hear you making the best of your situation. Adapt and overcome!

Oh, and I'm glad you didn't end up having to eat Penelope. That would have been a shame.

You're growing so much, little Angelism! :D