Friday, February 08, 2008

You Funny Girl

January 24, 2008

Studying Russian is like learning to read all over again.

The kids in my English club are teaching me little by little, but it’s hard. I keep complaining about it, but it’s a major point of my frustration.

On a happy note, though, my Turkmen is improving tremendously…mostly because everywhere I go people want to talk to me and every time I get in a taxi the entire hour-long ride into the city and back is filled with rapid conversation because EVERY person inside the car wants to know everything about me. It’s always the same questions every time…

It’s going to be culture shock going back to the U.S. where nobody really cares that I’m an 27-year-old unmarried Turkmen-speaking American English teacher who makes a hundred dollars a month.


Anonymous said...

I care.


Unknown said...

Plenty of people care. :P