Friday, February 22, 2008

Let There Be WATER

February 17, 2008

That’s right- I am proud to announce that we are now a hydrated house. Flowing, clean H20 has burst back into our lives and it is an incredible, joyous occasion.

Well, it doesn’t exactly flow…it kind of sort of drips and trickles slower than molasses out of the metal pipe from the well. But the important thing is that it’s there, right?

I washed every singe piece of clothing I have this weekend. Some hadn’t been washed since I left U.S. soil.

That’s pretty gross.

But I am no longer gross. I spent hours and hours scrubbing and cleaning and scrubbing and I’m all shiny and clean like in my dreams.

Since the snow has melted, Yoleten has turned into a giant pool of mud creating a catastrophic battle against cleanliness.

But at least now I can clean. I can clean and clean and clean and it’s a wonderful feeling to have the ability to make things better.


Anonymous said...

I still think you're a little gross.


Unknown said...

But you're clean as a whistle ALL over. ;)