Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just Weird

The hot, desert air smacked me in the face this morning when I stepped off the plane at Ashgabat International Airport and listening to the scattered Russian and Turkmen conversations around me, I felt really comfortable.

The migration officers laughed and joked about how all of us Americans learn Turkmen so well, stamped my passport, and sent me on my way.

The taxi drivers crowded around and I spent five minutes haggling over a good price to get out of there and as we came to a compromise and started joking around, I realized something weird...

This could be the last time I fly into this airport. The next time I pay those terminals a visit will be on my way out of the country for good, in about five months from now.

That's weird.


Anonymous said...

I, for one, am not looking forward to your departure in 5 months. You have (by far) the best Tstan blog of the PCV crowd.

You need to pass the mantle of your excellent blogship along to one of the T-18 newbies who even now are nervously making preparations for departure the strange desert land. Perhaps one of them is a good writer.

Angela said...


I'm laughing out loud and looking really stupid at the Mary Internet cafe.

Thank you...ALL OF YOU OUT THERE...for being so awesome :)

Anonymous said...

One thing I know Angela, you may leave Turkmenistan in 5 months, Turkmenistan will never, ever leave you.

syiling peringatan malaysia said...

Hi...nice to meet you ... i'm a memorabilia collector ..hope u visit my blog to see my country collection tq

Paul said...


It's fun to read all the PCV T-blogs and yours is one I keep coming back to (partially to keep up on Alice when possible). I do look forward to your entries upon your return though. Nothing beats the altered state of re-entry culture shock and I trust you will put it to words in your entertaining fashion.