Monday, August 18, 2008


Naturally the Kazakh embassy misprinted my visa...I applied for two entries so I could get back to Almaty and fly out back to Ashgabat.

Unfortunately they decided I'd only get one.

So I spent the morning at the embassy...AGAIN. I waited AGAIN. I was sent out in the city to the appropriate bank to pay the fee AGAIN. After returning and waiting in line AGAIN I was turned away AGAIN because my passport and visa copies were on two separate papers.

How could I have thought they would be able to look at TWO pieces of paper instead of ONE?

So then I had a nervous breakdown and freaked out...calmed myself down a bit...went on a search for a copy machine.

Upon returning I waited AGAIN and when I finally got back up to that damn window I was told I could not, in fact, get a transit visa to Almaty. I must have a TOURIST visa. And I also must write a letter to the consulate detailing the reason for my visit and all the lovely sites I'd like to see in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

So I wrote the letter. Signed it. Shoved it back through the window to the greatest jerk on the planet.

He glared at me and told me to come back Friday at 6:30...making sure I'd miss my flight and be completely stuck in Bishkek.

He handed me a declaration form and I started to have another nervous breakdown.

He laughed in my face.

I am so tired of people being mean to me. I want to go home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the ancient central asian bribery game at work. Bribe him and you'll get what you want. Stand your ground and you'll eventually get what you want without compromising your integrity.

Hang in there Angela! You can do it!