Monday, December 03, 2007


Yoleten is fantastic.

The past five days I spent visiting my new home have led me to realize something huge: I need to seriously step up the language studies and I'm going to have to learn Russian.

My sitemate is fantastic and is fluent in both Turkmen and Russian and everyone in the town doesn't hesitate to let me know this...

It's irritating but incredibly motivating because it's a new challenge. Speaking nothing but Turkmen with my new family for four days straight was exhausting because every little thing I say requires concentration. One of my new family members is a Turkmen teacher though... and both she and my new host mom are incredibly dedicated to helping me learn.

My new room is fantastic, big and spacious with huge windows, a wardrobe and a tiny but comfortable bed, and the outhouse is far, far away from the house, which is just perfect because I never know when the giardia gas will hit.

I also saw snow fall for the first time in my was pretty freaking awesome. And beautiful.

Turkmen people love Rhianna, by the way...and I have come to love her too. I never thought I'd say it, but she is pretty awesome.


Michael Roth said...

It looks like when I see you next we will be speaking Russian fluently.

bryn said...

rihanna, eh? it doesn't surprise me ... you were the only one in tahoe (other than me) who could sing all the words to "all you wanted" by michelle branch ;)

Unknown said...

Shit yeah! I'll send a care package to the new address when I return.

I'm down to less than a month in this crappy country! :D

We just got a briefing on all he crap we've been exposed to out here. I don't know about you, but I ate Iraqi food regularly from Iraqi restaurants and stuff.

The words "Giardia" and "tainted feces" started running through my head. :(