Friday, May 22, 2009

Kirk Gyzlar

May 19, 2009

The legend goes like this…

Many years ago forty girls (kirk gyzlar) were doing their laundry at the mouth of this ancient cave in the Koyten Dag Mountains when a group of suitors arrived and began to bother them.

Scared and afraid, they began to pray, asking to please let them disappear. Their prayers were answered and they disappeared into the rocks of the cave.

The water that drips down inside the cave are their tears, mixing in with the mud, creating a clay-like substance on the floor of the cave.

Today travelers from all over the world (myself included) take a strip of material and dip it into the clay. Then they throw the clay-sodden cloth up into the roof and walls of the cave and make a wish.

If your material sticks, your wish will come true…if it doesn’t, it won’t.

Mine stuck. The future awaits…


Erica Burman, NPCA said...

Congrats, Angela! You're the "Peace Corps Volunteer Blog of the Day" on the National Peace Corps Association's Twitter Feed (

When you have a chance, check out our new website at and sign onto the social networking area, Connected Peace Corps. It's a great way to interact with members of the Peace Corps Community. Family and friends of Peace Corps are welcome too!

Good luck to you as you continue your service in Turkmenistan.


Unknown said...

What didju wish fo'?

Paul said...

I bet it wasn't to be PCV Blog of the Day. ;)

You guys all hang in there, it's so worth it.