Friday, November 07, 2008

Success is Golden

November 7, 2008

I was sitting in my English club yesterday looking around and I started thinking, “Is my life fulfilled? Am I happy with my work? Am I happy here?”

And I listened to my students practicing their past tense verbs and continually repeating things we had gone over during the past few weeks, and I thought about how enriching the experience was, overall. I thought about how far they’ve come over time and how far I’ve come during this past year.

I realized something yesterday…a little phenomenon is happening in Yoloten: something I like to call PROGRESS.

And it’s just fantastic, in every way, shape and form.

Absolutely fulfilled…definitely enriched…almost magical.


Unknown said...

Angela. You're awesome. Always know that.

Ray Nayler said...

Hang in there. I was a T-12 in Turkmenistan -- after it's all over the bad memories will become great stories, and the good memories will never fade. And after five years, I'm still here in Central Asia! There must be something to this place after all.

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