Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Ankor WHAT???

July 9, 2008

Cambodia is amazing.

After the bus ride to the border, we met up with some awesome guys from Amsterdam and together we worked to find a taxi to take us to Siem Reap. Unfortunately that process took about an hour, but after a long negotiation, and an incredible journey across the practically non-existant road for four hours, we arrived.

We hung out with our new Dutch friends throughout our stay in Siem Reap and it was an absolute blast, but the most wonderful thing I will take away from my Siem Reap experience will be the amazing temples of Ankor Wat.

We started exploring the temples around 5:00am so we could be there for the sunrise. The incredible detail that went into the construction of these structures was just mindblowing, and I honestly don't think I've seen anything cooler in my life. Don't mean to hype it up, but Cambodia all-around rocks.

The entire city was alive that night, dancing on tables, having an amazing time singing along to American songs I haven't heard in nine months. We stuffed ourselves with ridiculously cheap spring rolls, seafood and cocktails, and at one point the bartender where we were at took me aside and said, "You know, I've seen my share of really out of control people, but for some reason, I don't know why, tonight EVERYBODY is OUT OF THEIR MIND!"

It was true. We were all out of our minds. I thought of that this morning as I fell into the seat of the bus to Phenom Penh after about two hours of sleep.

After arriving in the capital, we burst into the Vietnam embassy thirty minutes before they were closing and some random dude snatched up an application, my passport and said, "You take too long. I help you," and began applying for my visa for me.

Ten minutes later we had our visas.

Next destination: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are a hero!

& random note: I had to call Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam today for a directory I've been working on.

<33333 u! - Joalien