Friday, January 18, 2008

New School, New Fun

January 16, 2007

On my first day of school a line of kids stood outside the school, snowballs in hand, pelting everyone and anyone who walked past. I glanced up at them, completely aware of my surroundings but was met with an enthusiastic, “HELLO TEACHER!!!”

My schedule is so packed that my head is spinning and I wish I had Danielle with me to organize my life like she used to do in college. She actually made me my special box for all the things I always lose…I thought of that special box when I broke down and cried over losing my special REI alarm clock the other day. Ugh, it still hurts to think about that.

One of the 9th form kids in my advanced English club often talks about how he wants to be an ambassador some day and all the countries he wants to visit. I can’t help wondering what I would be like today if I had that clear of a vision as to what the heck I wanted in my life at age fifteen.

Being around these students is the most interesting experience because they all are so different, and some of them are so smart I don’t even know what to do with them. It’s only the first week of school and I have three different clubs already and more and more people show up at each session.

I may not have a lot of experience, but I absolutely adore teaching English to these kids.


Unknown said...

Aww. :) From the sounds of it, they adore you too. :)

Flo said...

I can't wait to see pictures of you with your students, I'm sure you're all bundled up and as enthusiastic as ever :) And honestly I probably would have had trouble even defining what an ambassador is when I was that young, so he's definitely a smart cookie.